Thursday, May 8, 2014

Going Home--To Fight

Tuesday afternoon on WNYC I caught the tail end of an interview of a 23 year-old Ukrainian young man who told the interviewer that he was abandoning his very good job here in the US in order to go "home to fight."

"I don't want to kill anyone," he told the interviewer, "and I don't know how to fight, but I will for my country's independence."

The interviewer asked him about the Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting for Ukraine to belong to Russia. His response was that they are "afraid" and that they have been "brainwashed." 

"Ukraine must be independent," he told the interviewer.

When asked if he was afraid to die, the twenty-three year-old, said, "Yes".

If you were this young man's mother or father, I ask you, how would you feel right now?

I suggest: a stomach-churning mix of pride and terror.

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