Saturday, April 2, 2016

He Didn't Think It Through?

“He didn’t think it through.” That’s what Gov. Mike Huckabee said this morning (Thursday) on The Morning Joe Show when questioned about Donald Trump’s pronouncement that a woman who has an illegal abortion should be “punished.”

When Trump was pressed on that statement by interviewer Chris Matthews: eg: “Punished?” How? Sent to prison? Did she commit murder? Rapid fire questions like that. Trump could not answer. He had shot from the hip once again and possibly this time that shot could be terminal. Some polls are showing a 70% Trump disapproval rating among woman, women both pro-choice and pro-life.

Chris Matthews also asked if the man who created an unwanted pregnancy should be punished and Trump swiftly responded “ I would say no”.

I can’t even go there.

Later in the day Trump scampered to redeem himself by stating that the doctor performing the illegal abortion should go to prison. Whew! There! Am I out of this mess now?

Well not exactly. This was not a spontaneous, ill-considered comment that will go away easily. Nor should it.

Do we actually want a president who, under pressure, blurts out un-thought-through statements like that? Could we trust him to meet cordially, calmly and sensitively with the Prime Ministers and Presidents of other countries, say, Iran, China, Israel, Syria, Pakistan, Germany? Never mind our patient and forbearing ally, England?

Are we so entranced by promises of “great deals for America” by the “best deal-maker” in the world that we don’t mind if, under pressure, he is unable to THINK?

I am aware that when I post this it will be old news and that many of you who read this blog will have already had these thoughts yourself and therefore will not find this entry particularly interesting. And maybe some of you see this situation very differently, in which case I sincerely welcome your comments and points of view. I am so incensed right now that I just can’t write about anything else.

To be perfectly honest, I’m not crazy about any of these candidates. For me, this fall, I fear it will be a matter of, if you will forgive the expression, “least worst.”

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